Google Sites Web Presence
The detailed information on the evaluation campaign can be found on this google sites document:
To participate in the evaluation, please fill out the registration form.
In order to get up-to-date information, please join our e-mail list.
Important Dates:
Multilingual text translation of TED talks, text translation of dialogues, and speech translation of lectures
- June 5, 2017: Release of train and dev data (*)
- Sep. 11 - 17, 2017: Multilingual task evaluation
- Sep. 11 - 17, 2017: Lectures ASR evaluation
- Sep. 18 - 24, 2017: Lectures SLT evaluation
- Sep. 18 - 24, 2017: Dialogue task evaluation
- Oct. 22, 2017: System description paper due
- Nov. 12, 2017: Reviewer feedback
- Nov. 26, 2017: Camera ready
(*) Release of training data of the Dialogue task will be announced later.
Contact, Evaluation Chair
- Mauro Cettolo, FBK, cettolo ∂does-not-exist.fbk eu
- Jan Niehues, KIT, jan niehues ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
- Katsuhito Sudoh, NAIST, sudoh ∂ naist jp